Love Always, Humanity

'Beloved, for let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.' 1 John 4:7 KJV
Love. It really is all there is. What else in this life is so real and powerful? I would be going off track if I go into detail describing reality as a perception and that many of the things we perceive to be real are subjective to the individual experience. Yes, that is another topic for another day.... What I see as being real even infinite is the ability that we have as human beings to love deeply and unconditionally in a soulful way. It is a soulful journey that we are on that connects us to our reality which in my perception combines the elements for us to use completely to create the reality we seek. We can have our heart desires when it comes from the heart space with true and honest intentions for positive results and outcome but we can also create the realities that are dark and bleak when our heart space is blocked or broken.
What can love do for our lives? Physically, love can actually make you live longer when you have feel loved, give love and embrace a loving family environment. A family that is structured correctly as being a support system that understands forgiveness and compassion, can be a healing source of love and affection. A warm hug or embrace can send energy vibrations directly to the heart that elevates the way the bodies cell reconnect during an illness or disease. Love, true love can provide the ability and desire to want to live and give the strength to fight as they idea of love is often connected to survival mindset. Energetically love can be the motivator you need to get through the day. I couldn't personally tell you how many times the excitement of seeing the one I love the most has gotten me through the day. The idea of having someone waiting to see you or the anticipation for the moment at the end of the day and realization that all you have to do is get next to their side, and everything else in your life will be alright. That is love. That is the connection that as human beings we have the right to desire and dream of something pure and real. Emotionally, just the idea of love is euphoric and at times indulgent but in my opinion, always needed! If you lose the ability to love, you can start asking yourself right now, what else in my life is at loss?
I believe we have to start asking ourselves, what happened that we are losing our humanity? Our connection to the Divine source is no longer relevant in the minds of some but it is the key to why the lives of many are so broken and lost. Is it our society? Our desires and drive to succeed that we can't help but look past our own needs? Wanting success is not a bad thing, but it's not innate. What could be more natural than love?

I challenge you to begin to see the ways that we can show love on a daily basis through thoughts and actions– I've got five simple steps for us to try:

  • Kind words- speak kindly, even in frustrating situations and watch how it not only changes your emotional reaction to a situation; think of your words as vibrations and frequency. Keep your thoughts peaceful and your words loving.
  • Open your mind – Thinking outside the box and opening up to another person understanding of the world may give you another point a view that will allow you to extend compassion and understanding to a soul that may need it very much. No one has to agree with everything they hear, but take the time to acknowledge that there are other perceptions in this world besides your own without judgment or condemnation. We can all agree to disagree and still show love!
  • Meditation – breath deeply, stay in the moment with time to reflect and seek answers to the questions in your heart and mind. When we can slow down our minds and reconnect to our natural flow and become in communication with our higher selves, angels, Divine source or spirit, it gives us time to figure out what it is we believe, and what gives our own lives individual meanings and this very well could be the best way to self-awareness and self-love.
  • Gratitude – JUST SAY THANK YOU!!! It goes so much further than you could imagine. We can't always have what we want, but when you are grateful for what you have you are reminded that you don't need much to feel complete.
  • Affection – a simple hug, hand shake or even a high-five can keep you feeling connected to humanity and knowing that you are not alone in this world. You are loved and cared for!


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